The history of Pocklingtons Limited.

From farming to commercial property development.

Ged and Deirdre Pocklington both came from farming families in Lincolnshire. They mainly farmed vegetables and wheat. In October 1962, they moved to Northamptonshire to take on Station Farm.

Trying to emulate the success of the family's farming in Lincolnshire, they soon found the soil in Northamptonshire to have a too high a clay content for growing root crops. Ged - who quickly became established in the local farming fraternity - was well known as a colourful character. The farm was at that time cattle, sheep and arable.

In November 1963, Craig was born - followed by Vacey three years later. By the age of five Craig was walking up and down the field behind the plough, as soon as he got in from school. He was driving a tractor by the age of seven and drove the combine from the age of twelve. It was clear that farming was in his blood. Both brothers went to Moulton Agricultural College and in 1990 became partners with Ged and Dierdre at Pocklington Farms. Ged sadly died of cancer in 1992 at the age of 57.

In the mid ninety's, a few of the old redundant livestock buildings were converted into commercial industrial units. Later after deciding to pull out of livestock production all together, four more buildings were converted to offices - 3 of which have air conditioning. Since then, further commercial developments have been completed resulting in a small community of businesses now enjoying the open spaces of the farm land. The yard has been fully secured, and is covered by security cameras, the entrance has been made more secure and automated by utilising a semi-automatic cantilever gate built by Wilby Fabrications Ltd.

In 2019, Pocklingtons Farms was incorporated as Pocklingtons Limited. Moving away from our previous hands-on farming model, the business now aims to maximise the site's potential by developing the land and existing structures for an array of different possibilities. Pocklingtons Limited is very much open to ideas from the local business community, in the sense the business can make bespoke building conversions to accommodate different businesses needs. These may include, but are not limited to, start-ups, shops, cafés and even residential. You name it, we are open minded. Alongside the business's developmental plans, Pocklingtons Limited is taking due regard to its environmental footprint by utilising the latest renewable capabilities.